Arianne Costner lives in the middle of the desert with her husband and four children. She is a former English teacher who believes that writers should crack up at their own jokes. When she isn’t writing, she can be found playing the piano and composing music. Her favorite kind of potato is the tater tot, with mashed potatoes coming in close second—as long as they’re not gluey.
Fun Facts:
- I am the oldest of five brothers and sisters.
- My author idol is Gordon Korman.
- My birthday is Christmas Day!
- At one point in time, I dreamed of becoming a Zumba teacher. That never happened. But maybe one day.
- I consider myself very non-picky and will eat almost anything except brussel sprouts.
- I lived in Chile for 18 months and it holds a special place in my heart. Speaking of food, I ate a chicken foot while I was there. It wasn’t terrible.
- Music is my second passion. I play the violin and teach piano lessons. My favorite composers are Chopin and Rachmaninoff. One day I hope to publilsh a book about a string quartet.

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